
WESTMINSTER : Meal Program Open to Eligible Students

Depending on their household’s size and income, Westminster School District students may be eligible for free or discounted meals.

As part of the National School Lunch and National School Breakfast programs, the district expects to provide about 4,000 students daily with free or reduced-price meals after school begins, spokeswoman Audrey Brown said.

Students will receive program information and applications. Guidelines and applications are also available at all school offices and may be submitted anytime during the school year, she said.


Children who are members of households that receive food stamps, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or Food Distribution on Indian Reservations benefits are automatically eligible.

Eligibility is based on family size and income. For example, a household of four must earn $18,655 or less to qualify for free meals or up to $26,548 to get discounted meals, she said.

For more information, call (714) 894-7311, Ext. 242.
