
Temple City : Day-Care Plan Reconsidered

The Planning Commission will reconsider a plan to open a day-care center at a Seventh-Day Adventist church after the City Council last week sent back a scaled-down version of the project for further review.

The council voted 4 to 0 Tuesday , with Councilman Harry Budds absent, to send the day-care center plan back to the Planning Commission for a hearing Oct. 12.

In July, the Planning Commission rejected the plan for a day-care center at 9664 Broadway Ave. after residents raised concerns over noise, increased traffic and congestion in the neighborhood of single-family homes.


The church appealed the decision to the council and reduced the scope of the proposal.

The new plan calls for 48 children instead of 80 2 1/2- to 5-year-olds in preschool care. Hours would be shorter, from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m.
