
Sobriety Checkpoint in Villa Park Friday

The city’s first-ever sobriety checkpoint will be set up Friday on Villa Park Road from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Drivers on that street will be stopped randomly by county sheriff’s deputies and California Highway Patrol officers, officials said.

Officers will observe drivers for signs of intoxication. If a driver is not intoxicated, officers will hand over pamphlets about the dangers of drunk driving. If a driver is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the driver will be given a sobriety test, out of sight of traffic.


Failing a sobriety test will result in a citation and possible incarceration if no relative or friend can be reached to pick up the driver, sheriff’s deputies told the Villa Park City Council, which allowed the checkpoint last week.

Motorists who are taken to jail will have their cars parked on the street.
