

With more Santa Ana winds expected this week, the fire danger remains high throughout the Southland. Some tips for safeguarding your property:

Before Firefighters Arrive...

* Back car into garage for quick escape; close car windows.

* Have predetermined, tested escape routes.

* Be prepared to open garage door manually if electricity goes out.

* Place valuables and documents, including videos and photo albums, in car.

Defending Your House...

* Place non-combustible ladder against house for roof access.

* Have a garden hose long enough (at least 100 feet) to reach completely around house and keep a shovel handy.

* Close doors and windows; seal attic and basement vents.

* Remove sheer window curtains, close heavy curtains.

* Store combustible materials, such as patio furniture, in garage.

* Fill large trash cans with water and place around house.

* Leave lights on in house. Heavy smoke makes house dark.

* Wet down your roof with a garden hose only when the fire is within 600 feet; then get down from the roof.


* Cover chimney with half-inch steel mesh to prevent sparks from iginiting roof or brush.

* Trim or remove tree limbs near house and remove leaves from roof and gutters.

* Keep woodpiles away from buildings.

* Clear brush from area surrounding property. State law requires residents to keep flammable vegetation cleared for 30 feet away from structures.

And After the Fire Passes...

* With a garden hose, barrels of water and damp rugs, extinguish small spot fires.

Keep doors and windows closed. Maintain a four-hour vigil around house, checking that no embers have gotten into attic or under the eaves.

Sources: Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County Fire Departments
