
Repair Crew Finds Human Remains

Crews working to repair power lines near Point Mugu on Thursday discovered the charred remains of a body that may have lain undiscovered for some time, authorities said.

The skeletonized remains were found lying face up near the Pacific Coast Highway in a portion of Mugu Lagoon swept by fire the day before.

“All we know is we found a body after the fire that was probably not killed by the fire,” said Chief Deputy Coroner Jim Wingate.


The remains were discovered at 2 p.m. by repair crews working to restore power lines, he said. The intact skeleton was found less than 50 feet from the highway’s shoulder on land belonging to the Point Mugu Naval Air Weapons Station.

Because the body was found 10 feet inside the base’s perimeter fence, the investigation will be overseen by the Navy Criminal Investigative Services, said Navy spokesman Alan Alpers.
