
Finding the Good in Los Angeles

What a contrast. In two days you feature the columns by Robin Abcarian (“Just When You Think You’re Not Afraid of Los Angeles,” Jan. 5) and Beverly Beyette (“All About Sue and Jay’s Excellent Midlife Adventure,” Jan. 6).

Abcarian heard gunfire on New Year’s Eve and recites the many incidents of crime in Venice.

Now she drives a circuitous route avoiding Lincoln Boulevard, rarely goes to her local market and is afraid to vote in person or attend a community meeting.


Sue and Jay German moved from Mar Vista to West Adams, met their neighbors, and have Easter egg hunts and block parties.

When they hear a police helicopter, they go outside to see if everyone is all right.

Obviously, they enjoy their urban neighborhood.

Robin, take it from a 63-year-old lifelong resident of another Los Angeles inner-city neighborhood, Silver Lake: While all large, diverse American cities are dangerous, they are also vibrant and endlessly fascinating.

Further, there are millions of people living in cities who have never been robbed, never been mugged and never been shot at, and these people go out every day and talk to their neighbors, enjoy the sunshine and participate in the life of the city.



Los Angeles
