
Politics: Residency Issue in Rolling Hills

Susan Brooks has once again raised the non-issue of living in the gated community of Rolling Hills. (South Bay Edition, Jan. 7) It may be of some interest where a candidate lives, but I don’t believe it to be anybody’s business but the mortgage holder.

Oddly, this unreal, insulated community is the home of Robert Virtue, an announced key campaign adviser to Brooks, a congressional hopeful. I dare say, he will live a scant quarter of an unreal mile from Congresswoman Jane Harman. It would seem that Brooks wants to have it both ways, to stigmatize the residents of Rolling Hills as unreal elitists, yet to employ and seek support from the residents.

I would not penalize Brooks in the voting booth on the basis of where she chooses to live. However, her misassessment of this issue as being key in the upcoming campaign might indicate that sour grapes is the most she has to offer.



Rolling Hills
