
Council Interviewing for Summer Jobs

The Job Training Policy Council of Ventura County is conducting interviews to determine who will get about 1,200 minimum-wage jobs up for grabs this summer.

Although the temporary jobs will not be available until July, prospective workers must apply now to be considered, said Dennis Holloway, a job-training recruitment specialist. “It’s first-come, first-served,” he said. “People need to make appointments now.”

Council staff will be accepting appointments for interviews for the next two months, he said. To make an appointment, call 981-8530.


The full-time jobs will last six to eight weeks and pay $4.25 an hour, Holloway said. They are funded through a federal jobs program and are available primarily to youths from poor families, he said.

The positions include jobs in city and school district offices, parks and recreation departments and public libraries.
