
Second Opinion : OTHER MEDIA

THE SENTINEL: LAPD Has Done a Good Job in the Simpson Case

The Los Angeles Police Department was called to investigate a double murder--the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, the ex-wife of Football Hall of Famer O.J. Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman.

Since then, the LAPD has been under constant scrutiny. Their motives were called into question after an initially cooperative Simpson was handcuffed in front of his house. Then the officers quizzed him for three hours out of the presence of his attorney, and searched the home without a warrant, they say, after they were “invited” in. There were also leaks of information to selected members of the media. But other than that, the Sentinel believes that the LAPD has gone out of its way to make sure that Simpson’s rights were not violated.

The police should also be commended for the way in which they conducted the pursuit of Simpson and his best friend, Al Cowlings. They followed from a respectful distance and--as far as we can see--placed no one in jeopardy.


It is refreshing to know that in at least this instance, the LAPD has done just about everything right. And, the credit must go to their new chief, Willie Williams.

The Sentinel is an African American weekly published Thursdays in Los Angeles.


EASTSIDE SUN: Speedy Enactment of Bills Aimed at Battering Needed

The FBI has disclosed shocking statistics which show that 50% of married women will be beaten in their lifetime. It is also estimated that 80% of the 1.9 million battered by their husbands annually are also raped by their husbands, according to Assemblywoman Hilda Solis (D-El Monte).

Solis introduced a bill that made marital rape a felony offense. Before her bill’s enactment, a husband could brutally rape his wife and only face misdemeanor charges.


It is unfortunate that it took a high profile murder like Nicole Simpson’s to focus attention on battered women.

It is our hope that pending legislation aimed at protecting victims of abuse at the hands of batterers will be speedily enacted.


U.S. Senate (Boxer, Calif.) Violence Against Women Act: Provides training for police, prosecutors and judiciary on issues of family violence.


Assembly AB3034 (Solis): Provides for statewide computer registry of restraining orders.

Assembly AB3033 (Solis): Waives fee for service of domestic violence restraining orders for women who cannot afford to pay to serve the order.

The Eastside Sun is a Latino weekly published Thursdays in Los Angeles.
