
THE NEXT LOS ANGELES / TURNING IDEAS INTO ACTION : Human Relations : Will Los Angeles create a model of vitality by shaping common goals, or will it disintegrate into a modern-day Babel? : THE TIMES POLL: Improving Race Relations

* Residents’ top recommendations for improving race relations. (Accepted up to two replies)

Institutions should have more cross-cultural programs: 16% Create antibias curriculum in schools: 12% Have parents do more to teach children tolerance: 12% Individuals must confront their own prejudices: 7% Increase community spirit: 7% Improve the economy: 6%

* Who is the most responsible for improving race relations in L.A. County?

Individual: 28% Family: 23% Government: 16% Schools: 11% Religious institutions: 4% Business: 2% All equally: 12%


* Would you spend a few hours every month volunteering to improve race relations?

Yes: 52% No: 43% Don’t know: 5%

* Which one of these ideas do you think would be most effective?

Create antibias curriculum in schools: 20% Student exchange programs: 20% Community program for students to dispel stereotypes: 19% Individuals must confront own prejudices: 13% Cross-cultural days: 12% Business should make race relations top priority: 6% Other/None: 5%

NOTE: Numbers may not add up to 100% because some responses are not shown
