
MISSION VIEJO : Council Cancels Its Next Two Meetings

The City Council canceled its next two regularly scheduled council meetings because of vacations and a light city workload.

The council unanimously decided to permanently skip meetings between July 15 and Aug. 15.

The city has historically not held council meetings in the last week of December as well.

“We did it to give both the council and staff a little more ease in planning vacations in light of the summer season and lighter agenda we see during these times,” Mayor Susan Withrow said.

When the council holds its next regularly scheduled meeting, on Aug. 22, it will also have a new duration limit of 9:30 p.m.


Previously, meetings lasting until 11 p.m. required a council vote to continue.

The new curfew was proposed by Councilman William S. Craycraft, who thought meetings would move faster with a 9:30 p.m. checkpoint.
