
HUNTINGTON BEACH : New Task Force to Assess Youths’ Needs

The members of Mayor Linda Moulton Patterson’s Children’s Needs Task Force figure they have a difficult but essential task.

“I don’t think we’ll solve all the problems, but I think we can make a step forward and try harder to meet the needs of children in our community,” Moulton Patterson said.

The 17-member task force, created by the mayor in April, met for the first time last week to brainstorm and develop a way to aid local youth.


The task force is made up of a cross-section of people from the community, including representatives from schools, churches, service organizations, parent groups and day-care facilities, as well as city departments and commissions.

Bonnie Bruce, a task force member and Huntington Beach Union High School District trustee, said she views the task force as an initial step in assessing needs in order to make changes that will benefit youth.

“Once you put the needs on the table, then you can find solutions,” Bruce said.

Bruce said that especially in today’s times with resources and money at a minimum, members of the group must “put our creative brains together and come up with programs and solutions.”


Moulton Patterson said she formed the task force to address the alarming and growing problems that children face, including the increasing number of children raised in single-parent homes, raised in poverty and those left unsupervised while parents work.

At the first meeting, task force members explored ideas, including the need for after-school programs, parent training and education, affordable day care and tutoring services.

Moulton Patterson said the task force will establish goals and objectives and present recommendations to the City Council in January.
