
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : DODGERS : A Year Makes Huge Difference for Him

During the spring of 1993, Rudy Seanez thought his career might be over, and that was after he had recovered from back and shoulder problems.

“There was one time last spring when I couldn’t even throw,” said Seanez, who was with the Colorado Rockies at the time. “I tried a couple of doctors and then went to a kinesiologist in Denver and he found that some muscles in my back had atrophied.”

The pain, though, had circuited to Seanez’ right shoulder, and he had surgery in the winter of 1992. “I thought, ‘They’ve already fixed my shoulder, I know that,’ ” Seanez said. “That’s when I thought I might be finished.”

After treatments by the kinesiologist, Seanez was back throwing in two weeks.

Before Tuesday’s game, Seanez had not allowed a run in his last six appearances and had stranded four of the last five runners he had inherited.



The Manny Mota International Foundation dinner and auction will be held Aug. 14 at 7 p.m. at the airport Marriott. The organization works with children and the elderly in the Dominican Republic as well as in the United States. Details: (213) 223-3341, ext. 2546.
