
LITTLE TOKYO : Workshop on Asian Domestic Violence

A conference on domestic violence against women in the Asian culture will be held Saturday at Centenary United Methodist Church.

The purpose of the Asian Pacific Domestic Violence Conference is to inform social service groups, educators and others about the issue--usually considered a “hidden problem” among Asian families, said Bonnie Tang, a staff attorney at the Asian Pacific American Legal Center.

The legal center and Network Against Asian Pacific Domestic Violence are sponsoring the conference from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the church, 300 S. Central Ave.


Discussing spousal abuse is often considered a cultural taboo among Asians, Tang said. Victims rarely file domestic violence reports.

“As a wife and a mother, you’re taught to endure whatever happens in your family--to not talk about it outside the family,” said Yung Hae Kim, a victims’ advocate with the city attorney’s office who will be a panelist.

Information: (213) 748-2022, Ext. 21. A $45 registration fee is required.
