
Campaign: Coverage of Barbara Yaroslavsky

John Schwada’s article “Yaroslavsky, Feuer Claim Overlapping Constituency” (Aug. 28) regarding Jewish political circle’s divided decision on which one to support for L.A.’s civic council had excellent coverage of Michael Feuer’s attributes--but not a word about Barbara Yaroslavsky’s.

I’ve served on several Jewish Federation Council committees with Barbara and have found her to be one of the most efficient and ethical volunteers I know. Her ability to grasp the crux of a problem comes from her intellectual insight and extensive experience on numerous committees.

Although the Yaroslavskys have modest means, Barbara never hesitated to hire a baby-sitter when Zev wasn’t available if she had promised to attend a meeting. She is exceptionally conscientious.


Sharing Zev’s passionate interest in serving L.A. has given her the best apprenticeship for succeeding him as a councilperson.

