
Luggage Lament

James Yenckel’s “Packing: Is Your Luggage a Mess?” (Aug. 28) quotes Judith Gilford, author of “The Packing Book,” who “advocates carrying everything aboard the plane.”

That’s right, folks! Ignore the airlines’ so-called rules limiting carry-on baggage. Stuff your soon-to-defrost frozen fish above my head--there’s room because I checked my baggage. The ever-helpful flight attendant will search for an overhead spot to jam in your overstuffed two-ton duffel bag.

When are the airlines and irresponsible travel advisers going to regulate this unconscionable practice? Excessive turbulence and stalling (gulp!) can and do result in over-heads popping open. I prefer to be clobbered on the head with my folded soft jacket, not someone’s wet fish or lethal heavy luggage.



La Canada Flintridge
