
Clyde James

Re “Gang Fighter,” Sept. 16:

How many articles have been written, how many speeches have been uttered on the subject of taking the streets back from the drug dealers, drive-by shooters, gang members and various other scum that have terrorized many people and neighborhoods?

Yet here is Clyde James, a senior citizen, willing to risk his life to stand up for what he thinks is right, live a peaceful life in the northeast Los Angeles home he has resided in for many years, and all he gets is lip service from fearful neighbors and the community advocate (from Councilwoman Jackie Goldberg’s office), with the tune that he has to get along with all the neighbors. Scuse me . . . was it neighbors who stoned his house for five hours? I rather doubt that many of us would have put up with that kind of treatment for that long.

What will the police, the council office and the neighbors do--wait until this 83-year-old loner becomes another victim of the scumbags harassing him, and another statistic for the Los Angeles crime scoreboard?



Los Angeles
