
Suspect Gets Rearrested in the Death of Pedestrian : Investigation: Police say they need more time to determine charges in the accident Sunday in Silverado Canyon.


A 25-year-old man suspected of striking and killing a pedestrian in Silverado Canyon was rearrested Wednesday moments before he was to be released from custody, giving authorities more time to prepare charges against him.

Authorities had been preparing to release Shane Young, 25, from the Orange County Jail as the California Highway Patrol continued its investigation into the accident that killed Jasmin Cook, 19.

Just before 5 p.m., Young left his cell dressed in the same blood-stained jeans he was wearing at the time of the collision. He was taken to a visitors area of the jail’s Intake/Release Center, out of sight of the public, and his handcuffs were removed.


But before he could leave, CHP Officer William L. Grant stepped from behind a door, told him he was being rearrested, again on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter and felony drunk driving, and put the handcuffs back on.

“The deputies didn’t tell him anything,” Grant said. He “had no idea. He is not a happy camper. The look on his face was worth a thousand dollars.”

When Young asked why he was being rearrested, Grant said, “I basically told him it was a technical thing. He was in shock.”


CHP authorities said they needed more time to investigate the crash before sending reports to the district attorney’s office that would be used to decide what, if any, charges should be filed against Young in connection with the death of his close friend. State law requires that a suspect be released from custody if charges are not filed within two working days of the arrest.

“There’s so much work that needs to be done on the case,” said CHP Officer R. Brame, an investigator in the case, which will include vehicle inspections and interviews with witnesses. “We couldn’t get it done in 48 hours.”

CHP spokeswoman Angel Johnson said authorities expect Young to be arraigned by Friday. If the charges are not ready by then, he must be released, Johnson said.


Young was first arrested Sunday night after police said he struck three people on narrow Silverado Canyon Road while racing another driver.

“He was definitely speeding down the canyon,” Johnson said outside the jail. Results of blood and other tests may not be available for several weeks, she said.

Cook, 20, was killed as she walked on the edge of the winding road with two friends on bicycles. Her two companions were hospitalized.

The second driver, Clint Wamsley, 19, was also arrested on suspicion of manslaughter and felony driving under the influence but has been released from custody.
