
Doctors, How About Redefining <i> Healthy</i> ?

As president-for-life of Softbodies of America--whose membership consists of everyone who agrees with me, whether they’ve heard of me or not--I must respond to “How Best to Tackle Weight Problem?” (Oct. 18).

The panel of 18 experts got it all wrong. Again.

As our millions of members (rough estimate) could tell you, setting standards for “healthy” or “desirable” weights is enough to send a person running for Betty Crocker lemon bars.

Most people older than 35 cannot achieve those weights without starving themselves and working out to the point of exhaustion or resorting to liposuction. Is this healthy? Is this normal?


Doctors, back to the drawing board. Give us a healthy life. Moderate exercise, reasonable amounts of tasty food. If we’re doing everything right, and we’re still shaped like teddy bears, surely someone will love us. But apparently it won’t be you.


