
County Fleet Studied for Ways to Cut Smog

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department and other county agencies will be encouraged to purchase vehicles running on alternative fuels to help improve the county’s air quality.

The Board of Supervisors approved a six-month study Tuesday that will explore ways to expand the use of alternative fuel vehicles in the county’s fleet.

Supervisors John K. Flynn and Susan K. Lacey recommended the study, saying the county should take a leadership role in reducing air pollution in the region.


The county owns eight vehicles that run on cleaner-burning methanol. But because the fuel is not widely available, departments should explore vehicles that run on compressed gas, electricity or reformulated gasoline, supervisors said.

The county General Services Agency, which will conduct the study, is scheduled to provide a progress report by March 31 and a final report to the Board of Supervisors by June 30.
