
Charity and Taxes

In the era that I grew up (1930s and 1940s), charity was a part of everyone’s life. Those that had, gave, and those that were in need, received and gave thanks. In those days my family received more than they gave and we were always thankful for the help we received. As I grew older and became more successful in life, I found out how the givers felt when they actively donated time or material things to a person, family, or charitable organization. Call it satisfying one’s ego, but one feels something special when actively donating to a charity you believe is helping those in need and who are grateful for the help.

I cannot remember a time when I, or others I knew, didn’t give with love in their hearts. If you believe as I do, that actively giving gives satisfaction, then why do we support a system that gives to the needy through federal, state and local government taxes? I don’t know one person that feels satisfaction when paying taxes. However, the political and social bureaucracies that take your taxes and distribute most to the so-called needy are feeling the satisfaction we should be feeling and are getting paid for it. We taxpayers must love misery instead of the satisfaction of actively giving because we keep feeding the bureaucrats’ egos more each year.


Thousand Oaks
