
Bullets Fired at the White House

Re “Bullets Fired at White House; No One Injured,” Dec. 18:

For the second time in recent months the White House has come under gun attack. Due to the routine occurrence of gun violence in our society these incidents have taken up 30 seconds of news time and have raised little ire. Most Americans still believe that gun violence is just a symptom of “bad” neighborhoods and therefore is little cause for concern. However, when firearms are used repeatedly on the White House it may be time for Americans to realize what a severe problem we have with the multitude of firearms in our country. It may also be time for President Clinton to take a tough stand against guns.


Los Angeles

* It seems to me that in a country which has invested trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives fighting for our national security, one which has endured assassinations and consistent attempts on our presidents, we would take the protection of our President more seriously than we do. But Jesse Helms said it was all a joke; that he was only kidding when he suggested a bodyguard for the President when he visited certain military bases.

A veteran has attempted to shoot the President, another man tried to crash his plane in the White House, and someone actually shot bullets through the windows of the chief executive’s residence. I’m not at all surprised at these recent attacks; when a U.S. senator can “joke” sympathetically about harming the President, it encourages nut cases to act on his power fantasies.



Beverly Hills

* When the White House is attacked, you, as Americans, are under attack also. It is not only the President who is endangered in this latest gunning of the government. This reaches into every home in America, Democrats or Republicans. Whether or not they are gunning for Newt Gingrich or the President, this is the third time such a shameful incident has occurred.

Thinking Americans must begin to do their own analysis of right and wrong instead of being led down a perilous path by shameful talk-show hosts who are disseminating their vitriolic spew daily against Democrats or any issues they desire.

Any addition to President Clinton’s crime bill should include a provision making it a crime to allow radio and talk-show hosts to incite violence against the government or any person, elected or not. This would shut the mouths of the Colorado Springs Chuck Bakers and the Rush Limbaughs. These hosts are prone to incite anger. Does the GOP “contract with America” include such unwarranted, unrelenting, scurrilous attacks on sitting presidents of the United States? Why would they invite Rush Limbaugh to celebrate with them?


A talk-show host from Colorado was forced to resign his radio post after the White House was attacked previously by a lone gunman, who was apprehended by thinking Americans. The host was cited for inciting violence by his radio audience.

Now, the latest attack on the White House by an angered gunman is another indication of such violence. When will it stop? If Limbaugh thinks that his friendship with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas gives him full throttle to freedom of speech, it’s time for a change.


