
Hawaii Special Issue

Kudos to Christopher Reynolds for a fine and definitive article on Hawaii (“Hawaiian Renaissance,” Nov. 6) and for debunking the myth of “The Seven Sacred Pools.” I lived in Hana for 12 years and was constantly bedazzled--it’s arguably one of the most beautiful places in the world.


Laguna Hills


Regarding “New High-Flying Rules Have Air-Tour Pilots Feeling Low” (Nov. 6): Anyone who has had to endure the noise of a police or news helicopter circling overhead can surely appreciate how Hawaiian residents have had it with arrogant helicopter tour operators. Can you imagine waking up every morning to the noise of a helicopter hovering in your neighborhood? And then, after 15 minutes of peace, another one comes along, followed by another and another all day long until dusk? It’s as if we worked and saved all our lives to move into Beverly Hills and then a helicopter flight school opened next door!


Hamakua Coast, Hawaii
