
Murdoch and Fox TV

I want to clarify in the clearest possible terms an inaccuracy stated as part of the Feb. 1 editorial (“Still Waiting for the ‘Ethical Revolution’ ”) concerning House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Presumably, the statement that Rupert Murdoch is “seeking congressional favors” refers to his need to respond as part of the lengthy review process now being conducted by the Federal Communications Commission concerning charges irresponsibly leveled by those seeking to slow Fox’s momentum in bringing true competition to network television. Neither Rupert Murdoch nor Fox is seeking favors from any arm of the federal government. At this time, it is simply our desire to have the FCC reaffirm a ruling it made 10 years ago, which enabled Fox Broadcasting Co. to grow into the competitive national network the FCC had desired for it to become from the start. Inaccurate statements by respected newspapers such as yours only serve to further distort an issue that should have been put to rest long ago.


Chairman, Fox Television

Beverly Hills
