
Countywide : March 13 Is Deadline to Apply for Storm Aid

Orange County storm victims have until March 13 to file applications for state and federal disaster assistance.

Forty-one California counties were declared disaster areas by President Clinton.

Storm damage in Orange County totaled $55 million, according to federal officials--$44 million in loss of or damage to public property and more than $10 million in private property loss.

Seal Beach was one of the hardest-hit cities in the county, with about $5 million in damage, including $3 million in damage to the city’s Leisure World community. About 300 Leisure World residents were forced to evacuate their homes after a nearby flood-control channel overflowed.


Individuals, families and business owners who suffered storm-related damages or losses between Jan. 3 and Feb. 10 may register for aid by calling a toll-free Federal Emergency Management Agency registration line at (800) 462-9029 or (800) 462-7585 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

For general disaster-related information or to inquire about a pending request for emergency assistance, storm victims should call the federal help line at (800) 525-0321 or (800) 660-8005 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
