
FULLERTON : Jogger Stumbles Upon a Pipe Bomb

A “potentially lethal” pipe bomb was disarmed Tuesday after being discovered by a morning jogger on Harbor Boulevard, police said.

The jogger, who was not identified by police, kicked over a small box in the 2800 block of North Harbor Boulevard about 8:30 a.m., Police Sgt. Don Kimbro said. When he saw the contents--a pipe and a battery--the jogger ran to a nearby fire station to report the discovery.

Fire officials contacted the Sheriff’s Department bomb squad, which used a remote-control device to disarm the pipe bomb. Harbor Boulevard was closed for more than an hour during the operation.


“It was a potentially lethal device with the capacity to kill someone,” Kimbro said. “Essentially, it was a pipe bomb with electrical attachments.”

No one was injured.
