
Non-Residents Also Appreciate Placerita Canyon Road

After reading “The Road Less Traveled” (March 13) on closing Placerita Canyon Road to all people but residents, I felt betrayed and left out.

Placerita Canyon is part of my home and my life. It’s my back yard, a place I respect and cherish. I have been a resident of Santa Clarita for over 30 years (since I was 2) and have driven this road hundreds of times in my life, mainly to take the scenic route to the other side of town. My grandfather made numerous movies in this canyon and used to take me there to show me around. I’ve seen it go from a nice country road with a few houses to a nice country road with a lot of houses.

To see it closed down really hurts me. I can see why Placerita residents would want to close it down though. Isn’t there a way to close it to commuters only, say from 6 to 9 a.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m.?



Stevenson Ranch
