
County to Seek Grant for Disaster Response

The county will apply for a $453,510 federal grant to beef up its disaster response program.

The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to allow the Sheriff’s Department to apply for the grant, which would cover costs of seismic repairs at the county’s emergency operations centers and updating the county’s General Plan, which identifies hazards.

The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services would administer the Federal Emergency Management Agency funds, which the federal government allotted to disaster areas after the Northridge earthquake on Jan. 17, 1994.


“In the General Plan, [the grant] will help us identify future hazards that we may or may not know about,” said Dale Carnathan, program administrator of the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services. “In terms of an earthquake, it will help us better respond to the needs of our communities more rapidly and effectively after a disaster.”
