
FAREWELL TO A PEACEMAKER : Arafat Watches on Television

PLO leader Yasser Arafat watched the funeral on television at his seaside office in Gaza City. An aide said Arafat was moved by the funeral. Citing political and security reasons, Arafat did not attend Rabin’s funeral. He sent a delegation of six ministers to represent the Palestinian Authority. A government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was also concern that Arafat is so controversial that his appearance at the funeral would upset many Israelis.

Japan Summit Security

Japanese police said Monday they were confident not even a lone assassin like the admitted killer of Israel’s prime minister could slip through a $40-million security cordon planned for an Osaka summit to be attended by President Clinton. As Yitzhak Rabin’s murder in Tel Aviv Saturday set off alarm bells about the safety of world leaders, Japanese security forces again went through drills they have practiced for months to protect 18 Asian and Pacific leaders who gather in Osaka Nov. 19. They include Clinton and Chinese President Jiang Zemin. “What happened over the weekend isn’t going to make us revise our security arrangements,” said an Osaka police official. “We have already been carrying out drills to stop those kinds of attacks and see no need to revise our earlier security plan.”
