
An Ocean of Holiday Fun

Our California Christmas may not have much to do with snowflakes or roasting chestnuts, but we have an attraction that is unique to areas with such mild weather--boat parades. Colorful twinkling lights floating across the water are a sight, and the imagination and extravagance that boaters put into decorating their seaworthy vessels are impressive. Following is a sample of some of the holiday boat parades that are set to sail along coastal communities this weekend.

* Led by the Californian, the state’s official tall ship that will carry grand marshal Michael Newman of “Baywatch,” 40 to 50 boats will participate in the Parade of a Thousand Lights along the harbor at Shoreline Village, 419 Shoreline Drive, Long Beach. Begins Saturday at 7 p.m. outside the marina, passing Parker’s Lighthouse. Best viewing from the mole, near Parker’s Lighthouse or the Queen Mary. Free to enter or watch. Shoreline Yacht Club of Long Beach hosts. (310) 435-4093.

* The Naples Boat Parade navigates the canals of the Long Beach neighborhood at 6 p.m. Best viewing along the peninsula, beach and bridges. Free. (310) 438-3773.


* The King Harbor Christmas Boat Parade features private and commercial boats in a competitive cruise for prizes. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Saturday. (310) 373-3518.

* The Parade of Lights at Mission Bay begins at 7 p.m. Saturday from Quiviva Basin. Best viewing from Crown Point, east side off Vacation Island or west side off Fiesta Island, San Diego. Free. (800) 957-4463.

* The 23rd annual San Diego Harbor Parade of Lights begins at 6 p.m. Sunday at Shelter Island. The parade runs along Harbor Island and ends at Seaport Village. Chartered boats available. (800) 957-4463.


Also Sunday, the 1995 Christmas Boat Parade begins running nightly through Dec. 23 in Newport Beach. The Newport Harbor Jaycees provide grandstand seating (includes shuttle from Newport Dunes Resort, 1131 Back Bay Drive, beginning at 5:30 p.m.). Boat parade begins at 6:30 p.m. $7; seniors, $6; children 12 and younger, $5. Ticketmaster, (213) 480-3232; hotline, (714) 451-2178.
