
San Fernando Valley : 2 Equestrian Centers for Lake View Terrace

As city parks officials prepare to begin construction of an $800,000 equestrian arena and renovation at Orcas Park in Lake View Terrace, a $400,000 equestrian project is in the planning stages just down the road, behind the Lake View Terrace Recreation Center.

Plans have been drawn for construction of three rings--circular arenas designed for the exercise of usually riderless horses--behind the recreation center on five acres of land acquired by the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, officials said.

“We expect to have it under construction by June, and it will probably be a 120-day contract,” said Virginia Hartley, a landscape architect with the parks department. Hartley and Lake View Terrace residents said public meetings were held to determine how best to make use of the property behind the recreation center.


Although some residents suggested the area be used for soccer fields, others said the need for equestrian facilities was greater, Hartley said. As with the Orcas Park project, money to pay for construction of the three new rings will come from voter-approved Proposition A parks funds.
