
San Gabriel Valley : Senior Center Funds Missing

South Pasadena police have confiscated the financial records of the executive director of the city’s senior center as part of an investigation into the disappearance of at least $12,000 in public funds, authorities said Tuesday.

The executive director, Leanor Escalantes, is also the target of a separate city investigation, South Pasadena Police Chief Tom Mahoney said Tuesday. No charges have been filed.

Escalantes could not be reached for comment Tuesday. She has been on administrative leave since September after 10 years as center director, City Manager Ken Farfsing said. He would not comment on when the city’s investigation began but said, “We’re hoping we can conclude and wrap things up by January.”


The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office is expected to review the case in January. But unless charges are filed, police will not comment on the case and the search warrant affidavit will remain sealed, Mahoney said.
