
City Council Honors 3 Employees of the Year

One is a sheriff’s deputy who has yet to call in sick after a decade on the job. Another runs the city’s senior center. The third tirelessly devotes his time to community service. The City Council recently honored all three as employees of the year.

In a special ceremony, the council recognized community center Director Nancy Herrmann, Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Mitch Kovacevich and Orange County Fire Authority member Rex Williamson.

The awards are given annually by each department to their top worker. “We like to recognize those individuals that go above and beyond the call of duty during the course of the year,” City Manager Dan Joseph said.


“It’s easy to put in eight hours of work and go home,” Joseph said. “These individuals represent a dedication you don’t find in an employee just putting in their time.”

Herrmann was honored for running the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center and implementing special programs for the elderly.

Kovacevich was chosen by the Sheriff’s Department for his good relationship with Mission Viejo residents and his work attendance.


Williamson was selected for his community involvement, which includes many hours spent on youth athletic programs.
