
Supervisors to Discuss Aquarium Study

Ventura County officials will be asked Tuesday to move forward with a proposal to build a marine education and environmental center at Channel Islands Harbor.

The Board of Supervisors will consider entering into a contract with the cities of Oxnard and Port Hueneme, and the Channel Islands Development Co. Inc. to evaluate the feasibility of building the $25-million facility.

The $90,000 cost of the study will be split four ways, with Port Hueneme paying $10,000 and the other three agencies contributing $26,667 each.


The study, which is to be completed by July 1, will determine the economic viability of the proposed aquarium-type facility.

“The plan and studies which will be conducted with these funds are absolutely critical to determine if an Eduquarium is a feasible project for Channel Islands Harbor,” according to a staff report.

The aquarium proposal is part of a larger plan to redevelop the aging harbor.

Supervisors last April approved in concept a massive $169-million redevelopment plan despite protests from residents of nearby Silver Strand and Hollywood Beach, who feared that the project would tie up traffic in their neighborhoods and flood their beach-side hamlets with tourists.


Last month, supervisors ordered an environmental review of that redevelopment plan, which includes renovation of the 30-year-old harbor, construction of a high-rise hotel and the creation or renovation of public parks, fishing areas, launch ramps and docks.
