
Dornan Engaged in Gay Bashing

While I don’t live in his district, it is still becoming increasingly embarrassing to reside in the county represented by Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove). In U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s column of Feb. 6, we learn that his latest buffoonery involves overriding the strong objections of the military by attaching to the defense appropriations bill a provision requiring the separation of all HIV-positive service members.

While he cites readiness as justification for this act of cruelty, his failure to include those suffering from any other medical condition rendering them nondeployable makes it apparent that this is just barely disguised gay bashing. During my career as a Marine officer, I was always taught that my primary concern was taking care of the troops. It is becoming obvious that “B-1 Bob’s” pro-military stance is mainly about taking care of defense contractors.


San Clemente
