
Public Paddling a Misdirected Idea

A youngster’s values and behavior patterns are pretty well set by the time he or she is 6 or 7 years old. Sure, when a toddler of 3 to 6 has a temper tantrum, he or she needs a little “love tap” on their bottom to cool their fire. But at 6 to 10, the age of those who are causing the teacher problems, forget it. The die is cast. From there on, all one can do is give guidance.

I suggest that the ones under scrutiny should be the parents. They are the ones responsible for the end product. Insist that they attend parental guidance teaching lessons. I’m sure that they are the ones who need the training or discipline. Many of them, I suspect, were short-suited in accepted family relationships themselves. Just to wield a paddle at this late date is an oversimplification of the problem. Being a responsible parent begins at Day One.

It is generally accepted that the current vintage of TV programs does not contribute constructively to value and behavior standards for young people. Why don’t paddler advocates go after this segment of our influence peddlers?



Laguna Hills

I think that public paddling, along with its pain, public humiliation and potential for abuse, is an excellent idea. And the first to be paddled should be legislators who spend their time grabbing headlines and appealing to the public’s more vindictive instincts while simultaneously ignoring their obligation to provide term limits, a balanced budget and better schooling for our kids.


