
Troops in Bosnia

I just got back from Bosnia and came across Catherine O’Neill’s polemic describing U.S. bases as “virtual large playpens” (Commentary, May 5). I am shocked that anyone could use such a phrase to describe what I saw.

Let me give some examples: O’Neill says “troops are never allowed off base unless they are in four-tank convoys.” I personally rode in buses and the cab of a 5,000-gallon fuel truck in various convoys. I saw lots of other convoys, but not once did I see a four-tank convoy that she asserts is the only kind used.

O’Neill says, “These convoys are only used for narrow patrol purposes.” Silly me, I thought we were moving fuel from Tuzla to Lukavac where it was needed.


O’Neill infers that we are not using our construction equipment to repair local roads. Wrong again. I saw it being done.

Strange as it may seem, I agree with some of O’Neill’s ideas. What I object to is the inaccuracies and the impression it seems designed to leave that the troops are sitting around doing nothing. That is simply not true.


Santa Monica
