
Republican, Democratic Conventions on TV

* Didn’t the Republican convention give you the feeling that all the decisions were made before the convention? Doesn’t that same feeling give you the idea that the Democratic convention has already happened in the imaginations of the power players?

Oh, would that the power grid find their bulbs dimmed and a multi-partied democracy of the people light up the sky!


Los Angeles


* The choreography of the Republican convention for television is a positive step for the viewing audience, in spite of criticism from conservatives and the media. The problem with conventions is that they are so long and boring that the average viewer gets tired of watching without really hearing the message of the party. Conflict between party groups adds to the confusion. To help alleviate this, the media have always provided commentators who frequently break away from the proceedings on the floor to add their own interpretations and predictions. And I believe that this is the real reason that the media did not like the format of the Republican con- vention--it didn’t give them as much time to talk among themselves! Personally, I prefer getting as much information as I can in as short a period as possible, so this new format is appealing to me.


The Republican Party leaders should also be congratulated for presenting a moderate view of the party to the public. I understand the conservatives’ desire to present their views, but as a moderate Republican, it is so frustrating to me to see the very conservative members of the party, who are a minority of the total population, take control of the party, making it totally unattractive to anyone holding moderate views. This year, the conservatives were still able to control the party platform, but the party leaders were able to present a convention that evoked views more acceptable to the general public. The candidates know that they must have broader appeal to win the election. And should they win in November, I hope they keep a clear knowledge that this moderation was what the people voted for.




* Our political parties had contentious conventions. There were hours and hours of emotional debates. The halls seethed with excitement. It took rounds and rounds of voting to produce presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Unhappily that magnificent melodrama is long gone. The conventions are now just soothing syrup. One political party had a San Diego social soiree. The other will have convivial happenings in Chicago. Please pass me my bedroom slippers.



Los Angeles
