
Woman Admits on Tape to Sex With Minor

Burbank schools fund-raiser Salle Dumm admitted during a videotaped police interview that she and a 17-year-old football player had sex last summer, according to evidence in her criminal trial Wednesday.

The tape, which showed Dumm visibly upset at times, was first played publicly Wednesday. Dumm, 51, is on trial for engaging in unlawful sex with a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

“He came into my bedroom and crawled into bed,” Dumm stated on the tape, played in Superior Court.


Later, Dumm said, the youth got on top of her and was gripping her arms. She said she could not move, but she also declined to say the youth forced himself on her.

The Dumm case triggered criminal charges against two football coaches and lead to the resignation of the president of the school board after he admitted knowing of sex allegations but failing to report them to authorities.
