
First Lady Is Drawn to Forum on Children

More than 1,600 people are expected to hear First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton speak on children and violence Wednesday at a national forum in Beverly Hills where many prominent experts will be gathered to explore innovative public policy.

Sponsored by the Los Angeles-based Children’s Institute International, the two-day conference, “In Harm’s Way: A National Forum on Children and Violence,” will be held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel and will also feature Gov. John Engler of Michigan; California Department of Social Services Director Eloise Anderson; poet Maya Angelou; author Jonathan Kozol and a host of religious, government, education and business leaders.

Participants will discuss the results of a new national youth poll on violence, touching on family violence, substance abuse, family and community breakdown, the effect of media on children and welfare reform.


In addition, a panel of 12- to 17-year-olds from a cross-section of Los Angeles will discuss violence in their lives.

The forum will conclude with a public hearing at Beverly Hills City Hall starting at 2:45 p.m. Thursday to elicit testimony on promising programs--both public and private--said spokeswoman Theresa Mack.

While the conference is sold out, the public is invited at no cost to the hearing, Mack said. Further information may be obtained by calling the institute at (213) 385-5100.


Children’s Institute International, formerly known as Big Sisters, is a child welfare agency with more than 30 programs dealing with child-abuse prevention, treatment and training.
