
Visitor Center to Honor Lagomarsino

The Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center at Ventura Harbor will be officially renamed after former Congressman Robert J. Lagomarsino at a ceremony today.

The Ventura resident introduced legislation creating the park in 1980.

“I can’t think of anything that I would be more honored by to have something named for me,” Lagomarsino said. “At our house in Solimar Beach we can often look out and see” the islands.

Congress approved legislation that paved the way for the center’s name change in September.


Lagomarsino, 70, represented parts of Ventura and Santa Barbara counties for more than 18 years until 1993.

One of the least visited national parks, Channel Islands National Park is comprised of the five northern islands in the chain and a mile of ocean around each one, park spokeswoman Carol Spears said.

Lagomarsino is vice chairman of the board of directors of American Commercial Bank and his family’s beer distributing company.


The ceremony begins at 2 p.m. at the Robert J. Lagomarsino Visitor Center, 1901 Spinnaker Drive.
