
Yard Sale to Help Pay for Post-Prom Party

Though prom season is still six months away, students at Chaminade High School are already gearing up for the big event.

Led by its parents association, the school is planning its fourth annual after-prom party, offered as an alternative to a night of drinking.

Members of the campus’ Students Against Drunk Driving will hold a yard sale at Chaminade Intermediate School in Chatsworth on Saturday to raise funds for the fete.


In preparation for the sale, students have been collecting unwanted treasures from Chaminade families and local residents for weeks.

“We have a Jacuzzi, several computers, clothes, books, etc., your average yard sale fare,” said Jeff Appel, advisor for SADD and organizer of the prom party. “But I think we have really pretty top-notch stuff.”

The Post Prom Celebration was conceived as a way to entertain juniors and seniors and their dates after the official dance, in an effort to keep them “off the streets, out of hotels, away from alcohol, drugs and driving,” said parent Arlene Wexler.


The party, which is free, begins soon after the dance and ends at 5 the next morning.

Though the school has fund-raising events each year, this is the first time SADD has tried its hand. Organizers hope the yard sale will yield a good portion of the $15,000 to $20,000 needed to pay for the party.

Donations for the yard sale may still be made today in the lobby of the high school gymnasium, 7500 Chaminade Ave., or at Chaminade Hall on the intermediate school campus, 19800 Devonshire St.

The sale will be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the intermediate school campus.
