
Dornan Leaves Trail of Insults

For 12 years, Rep. Robert K. Dornan has been elected and reelected to his seat as congressman from Garden Grove, representing the 46th District. What is seldom discussed is how he arrived and what got him there.

During the height of the Reagan Era, conservative Dornan, a resident since childhood of Los Angeles, officially relocated to an area of Orange County that was infused by immigrants from South Vietnam, most of whom had fled the Communist regime that had taken over after the fall of Saigon; ardently and personally anti-Communist, they became a natural core constituency for archconservative Dornan.

Now that his seat in Congress is lost, Dornan has decided to cast aspersions, namely voter fraud by noncitizens, upon the integrity of those who in great number felt that Loretta Sanchez was a more suitable representative than he. Sanchez enjoyed substantial support from the Hispanic community.


The question asked by decent people capable of critical thought is: Why would the immigrant minorities who supported Sanchez be any more or less apt to commit fraud than those who helped keep Dornan in office for 12 years?


Huntington Beach

* Loretta Sanchez is a nice, well-spoken, intelligent woman who has been badly insulted by a crotchety old geezer “full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing.”

It is time to compliment Sanchez for being a true lady. It is also time to stop giving ink to Bob or Mark Dornan unless they have something of substance to say.




* After reading about former Congressman Dornan, I am about to have a panic attack. I just realized that the daily comic section has been deleted. Please try to find something suitable to replace our local comedian in your paper, so I can get through this temporary crisis.


La Habra

* Judging from Bob Dornan’s comments about [the] recent election, it appears that humble pie is neither tasty nor digests very well.


Santa Ana
