
Just Say No to Tobacco Money

Re “Tobacco Firm’s Education Gift Sparks Debate,” Feb. 12:

The report card is in for the Santa Ana Unified School District’s Education Foundation--an “F” for accepting R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. money.

After school administration, teachers and students participated in President Clinton’s conference call on teen smoking, the district has cheated students and parents. Parents, teachers and kids have a right to flunk the district for advertising Reynolds’ name in brochures and allowing Reynolds executive Jim Duran to speak at smoke-free Santa Ana High School. The district should be put to the test and disclose how big the industry check was.

Vicki Walker of the Orange County Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition correctly reminds us that the tobacco industry “kills children,” as over 400,000 people die per year from smoking.


The industry tries to replace these people with new smokers to provide more revenue for tobacco stockholders. With over 30% of Orange County retailers selling cigarettes to youth in recent stings and with Joe Camel ads, the environment kids grow up in is hazardous to their health.

R.J. Reynolds’ name on brochures calls for more than “sensitivity” from board members. Tobacco makers target cultural events and have provided the district with mariachi bands, a tap into the local Latino market.

Since sponsorship is the industry method to legitimize itself, board members should take action to ban these contributions.


