
The Responsibilities of a Theater Critic

Re Peter Ellenstein’s response to Laurie Winer’s review of “Methuselah” performed by the Los Angeles Repertory Co. (“Criticism of ‘Methuselah’ Overlooks Its Worthiness,” Counterpunch, March 17):

I was proud to be performing in [“Methuselah”]. Ellenstein drew attention to Winer’s use of the word “loopy.” This is a word that trips happily off the tongue of my 7-year-old son but is hardly indicative of deep thought.

Ellenstein’s article has made me aware that the critic has a greater responsibility to a city of such cultural diversity where the theater’s hold on the public imagination is tenuous. I do not ask that Winer--or any critic for that matter--like the productions that I am in. But I do expect her writing to be intelligent and thoughtful.



