
Pierce College Offers Monthlong Italy Trip

Applications are being accepted for a monthlong summer excursion to Italy, with tours of museums and other sites led by two Pierce College humanities instructors.

The “Summer in Florence” course will be conducted by instructors Damiano Marano, a modern language instructor and Italian native, and Constance Moffatt, an art instructor who specializes in Renaissance art and architectural history.

The trip, scheduled for June 27 to July 26, will immerse students in the culture by exposing them to churches and museums. It also will offer the opportunity to learn the language from native Italian schoolteachers at Scuola Leonardo da Vinci.


“I’ve seen Florence so many times,” Moffatt said. “I want to share the beauty of the city. What better way to learn the language than to live it?”

The class will take a walking tour of Florence, and visit Siena San Gimignano, Verona and Venice, where they will attend cultural events such as ballets and concerts, according to the instructors.

The fee for the course is $2,800, plus air fare.

The course is being offered in conjunction with the Los Angeles Community College District’s International Education Program. Pierce credit will be given to students in either Italian language or art.


The deadline for enrollment is April 18.

For more information, call Marano at (818) 710-4319 or Moffatt at (818) 710-4365.
