
Zeanah Foes Send Back-to-Back Mailers

Foes of Thousand Oaks Councilwoman Elois Zeanah have launched a full postal assault, sending mailers to all registered city voters denouncing Zeanah’s record, then following that with delivery Friday of direct-mail recall petitions.

The recall group argues in the mailer that it collected 16,000 signatures to oust Zeanah earlier this year, but that she “hid behind a technicality” when her lawyers had the signatures thrown out due to illegal format violations.

“But she didn’t invalidate her disgraceful performance in office,” the mailer states. It contends Zeanah can’t work with other elected leaders and cites her opposition to a sewer plant upgrade proposed by city officials among the reasons she should be recalled.


Recall group spokeswoman Barbara Sponsler said she is hoping the petitions will dramatically shorten the signature-gathering period. The group needs slightly more than 10,000 signatures, or 15% of the city’s registered voters, to place a recall measure on the ballot.

“That’s how we hope to get the brunt of the signatures,” Sponsler said.

Zeanah, who just sent a mailer of her own to Thousand Oaks voters defending her record, said she is disgusted by some claims that her opponents make about her. She said the recall group showed it had big money behind it by sending two mailers back-to-back.

“It just bothers me that people are stooping so low to achieve their purpose,” Zeanah said. “I welcome debate on my track record, but these are blatant untruths.”
