
Neighbor Rescues Toddler From Pool and Revives Him

A 2-year-old boy who fell into a swimming pool after wandering out of his family’s apartment was rescued Sunday by a neighbor who saw a 7-year-old boy trying to pluck the toddler out of the pool, authorities said.

The toddler, whose identity was not revealed by authorities, was in good condition at Children’s Hospital of Orange County, said Police Sgt. Paul McInerny. He was being kept overnight for observation.

The sergeant said the toddler apparently got into the pool area by removing a loose iron bar from the wrought iron fence surrounding the pool. He was in the pool for two to four minutes before he was rescued.


The incident occurred about 9 a.m. at the Monroe Garden Apartments at 13171 Monroe St.

Michael Yates, who lives in the apartment complex, said he was taking his 2-year-old daughter for a walk when he saw a 7-year-old neighbor “reaching for something in the pool.”

When the 27-year-old Yates saw the toddler near the shallow end of the pool, he jumped over the fence and pulled the child out of the water.

The child was not breathing, but Yates said he recalled lifesaving procedures from a CPR class he had taken as part of his job as a city of Huntington Beach parks employee.


Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation revived the child, who was later rushed by paramedics to the hospital.

McInerny said the Police Department was contemplating nominating Yates and the 7-year-old boy for an award.

Yates said he appreciates the gesture but protested that he’s no hero.

“I’m just glad I took a CPR class,” Yates said. “But anyone who sees a 2-year-old drowning is going to jump in and save the child.”
