
Book Sale a Big Success for Library

The Friends of Blanchard Community Library thank you for your support for our book sale on May 3.

It was a great sale, and we raised a little more than $1,800, which will be used to help the library. In the past, we have bought books and shelving, a microfiche reader and videos. Just now, we will be supporting the library’s efforts to inform the local citizens about the necessity to pass the upcoming ballot issue, Measure O. This is a government requirement to allow the library to continue to spend money already garnered in the past with Measure W.

We will, of course, continue to respond to material needs of the library as made possible by the response to the book sale. There were many happy customers who found book treasures at very low prices.


We thank all the book donors workers at the sale, and the customers. It was a very special day.


Membership chairman, Friends of

the Blanchard Community Library

Santa Paula
