
Stone’s Numbers Are a Keeper for This Booster

I take exception to Mr. Kowalick’s high school column item about the score-keeping of Reseda High baseball Coach Mike Stone. As a member of the Reseda Baseball Booster Club, a former PONY Baseball Director and score-keeping instructor, I feel qualified to challenge Mr. Kowalick’s conclusions.

Mike’s numbers are correct. Consider some reasons: The building of a batting cage over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend in January, 1996; the quality of the players on the team--eight of the starters are former standouts from Reseda Park, West Valley Little League and Mid-Valley PONY Baseball; last year, the team won its first championship in 33 years; and 17 of the current varsity and JV players played off-season in Connie Mack, American Legion and on scout teams.

I coached the Connie Mack team. Reseda’s lineup has depth. Seven players are batting over .340, and all of them will be playing for Woodland Hills East and Central Valley Legion teams. Five of 11 varsity players are seniors. Adding to this, Reseda plays in a very weak league. Look at some of the high scores against Grant, Van Nuys and Canoga Park.


Last year, Stone was slightly liberal in his interpretation of errors and fielder’s choices. As a result, his stats were slightly higher than mine. He had Brian Menkin at .681. I had him at .667. Bobby Carrara was at .500 compared to .492; Jason Woolman at .410 compared to .402. Not a great difference.

Mike has been tougher this year. Oscar Cardona has been producing for two years. He has had streaks of 6 for 6, 5 for 5, and 7 for 9 this year.

Talk to scouts and other coaches. There are standouts on the Reseda team--players headed to Pierce, Valley, Mission and Cal Lutheran. There is quality baseball being played in the middle of the Valley.



